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via Revere 16
Milano - (MI)
Phone:  +39 800174262
Accommodation with a total of 21 rooms - Auction - Ref. 1654-AP860
940 m²    |    Auction Base € 726.000
Spinetoli (Ascoli Piceno) Locality: Spinetoli - Via Gramsci 36

Commercial for Sale 940
----- Autonomous Private parking
25 21 23

Tourist accommodation facility located in the Municipality of Spinetoli (AP), Via Gramsci n. 36/38. The building is spread over four levels where the covered parking spaces and service rooms are located in the basement, an office, an apartment and three two-room apartments on the ground floor, seven two-room apartments on the first floor and eleven one-room apartments on the second floor. The maintenance conditions of the building are generally good. The individual units are functional and in good maintenance and storage condition. The existing civil systems are water and electrical, heating and air conditioning are centralized and there is a 19 kW photovoltaic system on the roof, the floors are connected by a lift. The external parts arranged in greenery are equipped with an irrigation system.

Spinetoli (AP)
City: Ascoli Piceno
Town: Spinetoli
Locality: Spinetoli
Zip: 63078